Yes. I have a list of excuses to justify my doings just to make me feel better; for not exercising as regularly, for not revising after each lessons, for not waking up just 10 mins earlier, for not eating cleaner etc.
You know, deep down in my mind, whenever I had to find a reason to justify myself, all came out were excuses. Thoughts like "give my muscles a break", "i need more sleep", "no time to do it" etc are just me being lazy!
Very well I am sure that I can afford a 30mins run every work night even if I reached back at only 9pm. Comon... from 9pm till 11pm, most of the time i will be just surfing net and watching shows online aimlessly? Aka sloth my life away. 30mins to run is not going to rob much of my time anyways am i right?
So now I have come on terms with my excuses - i shall not justify my doings. I know i do not work out hard enough so i admit i am getting fatter. I know i do not revise everyday after my lessons so i deserve it when i fail / have troubles with my exams. I know i do not put in effort to my study so that explains why i have a bad brain etc.
I tend to be harsh on myself because of expectations but when you have justifications, you will loose all that expectations. Not sure who else agrees that we are actually making excuses if we need justifications to much of the things we do.
Well, time to move on to a no excuse life! Honestly i am tired thinking of making excuses where i already know the real reason behind the happenings HAHA. Just to please myself maybe?