Talked loads of random stuffs with M when we walked back today.
Talked about our year3 plans. Apparently, I don't have internship and if I want to have internship, I have to self-source and that, I need a good portfolio... So was asking if M has internship or not. :3 She has no idea either. /shrugs.
I can totally understand her stand and suddenly blab out, "Sometimes... I wish 2012 world end is real. Then I don't have to think about how to plan my future."
I really think that 2012 is really going to end! Because of the red moon. This is the first time that a natural phenomenon can actually appear in Singapore. .___. And by the Islam religion, it actually means world destruction is nearer. ;__;
So ahhhrg I'm all prepared. I don't care if the world is ending or not. I just want to see aliens before the world end. .-.