Sunday, December 18, 2011


3... I have affinity with 3. For the whole of yesterday, I have been dealing with 3's... I didn't realize that till my friend asked me. Haha!

Loot yesterday! Look at all my darlings~ 3 of each category!
Nail polish from beadstreet @Cineleisure
Rings from various place in town.
Chesire cat @Bugis
Squirrel @Flea market at *Scape
Peacock @beadstreet

The squirrel is such a cutie isn't it? However for this ring, I kinda feel that I got cheated for the price. $7. D: Cheated by that China auntie. 

Then when I reached home, Your Beautiful korean version was airing on channelU!! 
3 CUTE KOREAN GUYS. Omg so cute!!

And thats when I realize that everything was 3 yesterday. =________=
And I spent just nice $33.30... =_______=

So yeah... And yesterday was quite umm bad?? 
Shall post more of yesterday on my weebly! So stay tune!