Monday, December 26, 2011


Christmas. :D My day ended off with me feeling sad. In the end, he never reply my greetings. D:

Ok, hmm, I don't know why am I sad when he don't reply but somehow I just feel sad. It is like I'm looking forward for his reply but I am like anticipating something that won't happen. That already happened before but I'm still so persistent and so naive to think that he will reply. Yes, I should totally forget about him right?? I just feel sad all of the sudden when he never reply...

Argh, sad things aside, happy things.

Today, is, my, LAST DAY at WORK! Yeah!!! So happy!! ~.~
And JiaHao treated us pizza and drinks wor~ :D Hehehe so happy like one kind. And next week Im going out most of the days. OTL. Why am I so busy one sia??????? TT^TT