Saturday, February 11, 2012

AGM 2011

Annual General Meeting 2011 (Lag by a year but who cares?). And so today marks the end of me being a Cultural division Vice head for Japanese Tsubasa Club (JTC).

I will be moving on to the next milestone in my life, creating something epic before 21122012... (Plays epic BGM). Okay lah, maybe not something epic as it is an epic resolution to begin with. ωωω
I will be in school most of the time for my FYP and projects... So... People... Prepare... To... See... Me... Shag with white hair and eyebags and dark eye circles. OTL I would really be a undead zombie by than. 
Maybe from there, I might create something epicωωω (Just me and my epic-ness)

After handing over, my life will sure change a lot from now on... I will not be as busy as before I guess?? And bye bye my 'home'... I'm now handing to my 'children'. Being cultural head is enjoyable, there are a lot of fun things and also there are also bad things... Either way, I learnt more things and changed the way I was before. (Not major change but I am a wee bit confident than before) 

So my 'children'! Don't get discouraged or upset by setbacks! Just remember to be stronger! All the bad things will just be your stepping stone! So just remember that! ^_^ I came by this position in a harsh way at first but slowly I became fine... And... I kinda stopped improving... :| 

Anyway, just enjoy being a head! Even though you are a head, you still enjoy what the members and your GLs will be doing! Cheer up! In fact the things will be done in a more satisfying way! Because they are all planned under your hard-work and sweat!

So GANBATTE Mya and Mavis! :D