f we lived together,
[ ] Argue all the time.
[ ] Sex sex sex!
[ ] Eat icecream for breakfast.
[♥] Watch movies.
[♥] Prank call.
[♥] Text you even though you're just right across the room.
[♥] Chat.
[♥] Pillow fight!
[♥] Cuddle.
[♥] Kiss.
[ ] Throw a party.
[ ] Make out.
[♥] Whatever you want.
[ ] Err I wouldn't even want to live with you.
If we kissed by accident I would,
[♥] Bite your lips softly.
[♥] Kiss you back.
[ ] Slap you.
[♥] Laugh about it.
[♥] Stare at you while wondering if I should kiss you again.
[ ] It wouldn't happen.
[ ] Will never ever ever happen.
If you held my hand, I would,
[♥] Lock my fingers between yours.
[♥] What you doing eh?
[ ] Pull away.
If you hugged me, I would,
[♥] Hug you back.
[ ] Push away.
[♥] It's alright, just let you hug me.
Would I date you,
[♥] Yes.
[ ] No.
[ ] Maybe.
[ ] I don't know.
I wish I can say that to you. O^O
But I know that it is not going to happen... Never ever...
You will never ever say that to me and I have no guts to tell you...