Tuesday, February 7, 2012


你们常拿我和某某人比较。比较谁比较厉害,谁比较独立。。。结论终是我比某某人弱,比某某人差。在你们下定结论前,can't you all make use of your brain?可以用脑想一下吗?

You all compare me with all those elite people about grades, independence. Why can't you all compare my other qualities like my logic, my 生活常识 or others?

You all compare me down to others.

Fine I accept that but how can you compare me to a 8 year old relative who you claim has the guts to fly all the way from Sweden to Singapore?? Please use some brains can? If I AM THAT KID, would you all just let me fly all the way alone to a foreign country??

NO. Am I correct?
You all will sure come up with some stupid lies and stop me from doing that.
An example would be that I said to you that I want to go Japan for my graduation trip. And you flatly disagree. See the difference? Its not my fault but your fault.

Somemore that idea is only suggested. Its not even planned lah please. And 你们反对到这样. You all still dare complain? I still not dare talk back arh.

Arbo I fly now to Japan alone lah, then you all can show off to people lah hor. And yea, you will allow?  天塌下来咯~ By the time you allow me, it will be like doomsday or sometime 10 years later. Bleh.