Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain

I assume 'The person you don't like' as one alternative.

I shall not name the person out because I am not petty person. I have like forgiven almost all of the people so right now I don't have any one I dislike.

Haha so there was once these few people that I dislike.

#1. People who boss too much but just could not get their assigned work done.
DUH who doesn't hate? Boss around some more but could not solve for your problem... A completely stubborn person. orz

#2. People who don't do their own work in time but still complain.
I have met people like this and yes who doesn't hate them? Rather, I hate their complains. What for complain when you are digging your own grave?? Brainless people I would say. =.= And often I become the subject for them to complain on...

#3. And many many more people who irritate me...

Haha but now I sort of pity them haha. (So much of hating them)

Some quote says that you often hate ones ability that you can't possess.
Meaning, if you hate some one pretty, it means that you hate them for being pretty because you cannot be as pretty as him/her.
Vice versa, you like one's ability you can possess.

I also not sure how to phrase it but yea just remember jealously is proving that you can't have that in you. So jealous is no good yo. >.<