Phrase 1 of work freaking ended! I'm so happy over the moon~
Been working for like 3 rounds of promotion with them and Suntec has been the slackiest ever.
And great thing is, my friends are working with me too! Plus a lot of part timers too!
This makes everything so cool as part timers LOVE to talk and are around my age. (Mostly minus 1-2 years old...)
However Suntec's one's not that bad as the customers are generally nicely dressed, all those OLs. Really loving their shoes there. *u* And a lot are tall and gorgeously pretty. Envy much. And also this is the only promotion event that I worked for which Hoon Jie told us that WE CAN SLACK AND ZUO BO (do nothing) but pretend to do something. XD
So happy can.
Part timers were cute. XD One chibi girl! So cute and small de!!! Can't believe she's 18! And one quite tall girl who's in NP too! Hehe! And the one and only guy part timer who worked for 5 years already. (According to my friend)OMG can't believe someone will actually stay so long at IORA omg a miracle.
And yeap ended the work yesterday shopping at New Look with Gina!! Tempted into New Look because there's a big banner 70% SALE. And one fellow part timer gotten their membership card too so well, make use of it. XD
And spent freaking $90 that night... Buying 2 sneakers and 2 guy's shirt... All the guy-liked stuff. orz
See even I have money I just won't grt tempt into buying girl's clothing. Me so fail. orz...
And so today I'm starting work at Convertium! Doing some copying and pasting job if Im not wrong. :O
(Wondering why its almost noon and I'm still clueless about my jobscope?)
Haha, answer is... The person in charge of us went for a meeting outside and I have been doing nothing since 9.30am... Together with my friend. Haha. Just hope we get the money!! XD
(On the side note, its freaking cold here)