Monday, May 7, 2012

Decision maker

Hmm not sure if I need a decision maker or a time machine. >.> /shots /kill

Seriously time is not in my favour at all. OTL Pathetic much when people say they do have have enough time. :| We humans are that pathetic. :|

And that pushes off the mood for things as well, the lack of time and the colour of the sky. :|
Currently I only have my Saturday free. Of all the 7 days, only 1 day free. The rest of the day would be school, school, school. Except fot Sunday which I will be at my grandparent's place from afternoon...

And that one Saturday had been booked since a month ago. .____. And many had been turned down due to fatigue since Friday was a long long day. @.@

So not sure if I need a time machine or not. :| Or just a decision maker to help me make my decisions. 0.0 /pull eyelids
Set my sight further. 0.0

And yes before I start to plan any Saturday slots, I need to get down to settle my cosplay stuffs. Had not touched them since school start. Need to find a time for tailor and cloth buying! All need to be settled within this week or next. >.> Shit lah. Time. I badly need you all if not I don't think I can complete everything.

And with my procrastinations, things would be way too delayed! T_T NUUUUUUUUU. Blame me and my un-efficient-ness and my constant incredibility. Nobody is going to trust me anymore. T___T

P.S. Time to do something to change.