Friday, May 18, 2012

Food :3

Recently, I am bored from my FYP aka Fat My Problem. Eating... Stocking up snacks to munch when I am awfully bored. D:

See, this is what I meant. I am given a cupboard to store my snacks. *w*

Look, thats what I meant by stocking up food. And ashamed to say that these snacks... Is gone within a day. :x
(time to stock up snacks again STOP all these unhealthy habits >.>)

Plus I have been watching drama instead of doing my work. I has no work anyway =3=
And I emphasize... MICKY YOOCHUN is damn CUTE here!! MICKY YOOCHUN IS CUTE HERE!! /lefangirlingmode

How is there an adult who is so cute and kiddish nowadays?? Especially his bangs. So freaking cute! *w* Have been fangirling at his cuteness for the past 2 days and I am hoping that I will dream of Micky when I sleep or something. *w* /keepdaydreaming

I recommend you Rooftop Prince! Watch! Watch for the sake of cute Micky!!