Saturday, May 12, 2012


Jcube for Dark Shadows movie with Elena and Gavin! Killed 2 birds in one stone because I always wanted to go Jcube since it opened in April. .___. So after a month, I finally went to take a look at it!

So what happened to the originally Jurong Entertainment Centre?? It became Jcube and it became small and with mundane retail shops. >.> Well, except for Francfranc and Payless stores, others were much normal?? Like the shops in Plaza Singapura. >.>

The ice-skating rink was smaller compared to before. :O And I think it is stupid to eat openly beside an ice-skating rink. =w= The view is not tempting/appealing at all. =w=

And there is some korean 4D theatre thingy whereby you sit in and feel the graphics reaching out to you in 4D. (aka all around you)

Wanted to try that but there is actually a build-in camera installed and will screened LIVE when you are inside. So that means people will see the situation from outside. Embarrassing to the max can? And I was thinking of trying the scariest scene somemore. =.= 

No way I would embarrassed myself out in the public like this. >.>

So nothing much lah Jcube, it just feel so Plaza Singapura and Suntec kind of feel, just on a smaller scale. >.> 

And Dark Shadows, I expected more funny actions but well, it is still a nice movie! It has nice effects, humor, story line and also life lessons. :D Just I expected it to be like more comedic Johnny Depp kind of movies. >.<

P.S. Johnny Depp is a great actor!!