My heart tends to waive too easily. So easy to the extent of it not coming back without constant reminding. (BAD)
Hence I came up with a conclusion that I cannot multitask at all. =A=
On the other hand, I cannot concentrate that well too. =w=
Which makes me feel like a weakling. =A=
(someone who doesn't have a goal in mind. /snort)
However no matter what my heart waived away from, one thing will sure make it come back and stay put, which is the time when I want to think creatively! It might take some time but once I feel the hype I just come up with ideas and inspirations non-stop.
(Ohoho self-praising. Even if its not the case, just let me have this awesome delusion and believe in that can? Thats like my only motivation. >.>)
(Ohoho self-praising. Even if its not the case, just let me have this awesome delusion and believe in that can? Thats like my only motivation. >.>)
My passion, I found it! It is designing. Graphic designing is loved by me. :3
Ranging from traditional to digital tools, I loved them both. They are just sooooo fun!
P.S. Logo designing in progress! (stay tune!) Added my watermark too! Whee~