Thursday, May 10, 2012

Where my heart lies

Played a bit too hard for the past months and now its time to work double times hard.

My heart tends to waive too easily. So easy to the extent of it not coming back without constant reminding. (BAD) 

Hence I came up with a conclusion that I cannot multitask at all. =A=
On the other hand, I cannot concentrate that well too. =w=

Which makes me feel like a weakling. =A=
(someone who doesn't have a goal in mind. /snort)

However no matter what my heart waived away from, one thing will sure make it come back and stay put, which is the time when I want to think creatively! It might take some time but once I feel the hype I just come up with ideas and inspirations non-stop.
(Ohoho self-praising. Even if its not the case, just let me have this awesome delusion and believe in that can? Thats like my only motivation. >.>)

My passion, I found it! It is designing. Graphic designing is loved by me. :3 
Ranging from traditional to digital tools, I loved them both. They are just sooooo fun!

P.S. Logo designing in progress! (stay tune!) Added my watermark too! Whee~