Thursday, June 21, 2012
Recently addicted to this song. It is damn heavenly and mainly also due to the influence of 'Hotarubi no mori e' movie. I swear it is a damn nice film!! Have the 'Spirited Away' feeling in it and wahh kimochi ga shiawase da!! >///<
Highly recommended!! Non-anime lovers can read the manga instead!! The manga is also touching and sad and awww you can feel the love from it!! (Yes a tragic manga)
Ooo, speaking of tragic manga, I am addicted to tragedy genre manga this few weeks... o.o''
Filtered the whole lot of 'tragedy' genre manga and read all but without shedding a single tear. O.O''
Aren't tragic manga suppose to be sad?? I read the comments saying 'aww how sad...'; I just could not cry out. .___.'' Well... It is sad but cry for what?? :O
People always say I am heartless, well... To a certain extent yes.
I want to move out from my parents and live alone when I am out stable in the society... And they judge that I am heartless?? *okface.jpeg*
I mean I want to be independent, so I am deemed heartless?? Not like I am going to not take care of them or whatsoever... =.='' I just want a carefree life on my own. Living alone is a dream of mine from young, I am just pursuing my dreams.
And I enrolled in driving too!! 19 this year and I am fulfilling all my dreams slowly. :D
Step into adulthood and you have to be strong ok!