Monday, June 25, 2012

Nail for the week

Sometimes I am just that paranoid... Thinking that what people's action towards me is real or not. They claim this but given their circumstances and evidence and some 'contextual' knowledge, I know it is hard to believe what they had claimed.

And what if... Everything was just an act to make me HAPPY?? :O And the actors includes everyone I know and they all working on one plan and all was a conspiracy just to make me fall into it?? :O

Omg, I know it is that dramatic but I can't help it. I will just somehow and someway, think to that and miraculously, that drama makes much more sense that what is going on in reality. OTL

;____; So was everything just an act?? And people just enjoy seeing me falling into the trap and be some idiot twirling inside it. .____.


Anyway, update with my nails!!

I reckon easy minimal-themed nails are cool!