Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Phase 1 END!
Today, marks the end of exam!! I am so damn happy can?? Finally that PPM and RMA is over. No more memorization stuffs anymore!!
Needless to say, I confirm will flunk both my papers because I did not really study for it. I just write the notes for 8 PDF NOTES totaling up to 80 over pages about how to manage a freaking project... And codings for PHP and SQL for database but in the end I could not remembered what I had studied. ;___; Was it even written in my notes? I doubt so.
So die lor. Both my papers I guess I flunk it. Well, not expecting much lah. Either I expect the paper to be real easy or the paper to be real hard. Thats all.
Second thing, 2 more days to pitching!! (aka formal presentation for sourcing and sponsors!) Nervous max can? And finally I have done what was supposed to be done!!
However I am still damn nervous. :s I look so fat in formal. I need to diet and slim down in 2 days time but I am going for buffet later in the afternoon. /@.@/~
And... My eyes are super dry and small. I cannot look into powerpoint anymore if not my eyes will just blur and I will just faint. /@.@/
I need a break. Survive! 2 more days! =w=