Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Marriage, kids

Maybe it's Spring now, a lot of people are falling in love. My facebook feeds are flooded by friends anniversary and future plannings. /=A=/

EEEK. Talking about having kids and then taking care of them together. /@.@/

Get married still ok bah... Although a bit funny to me to talk about marriage at this age. You all barely 21 yea?

Hahaha I can imagine all no life when they get old. D:

Why not like go holiday every year after married, buy big house, enjoy life after married?? Why need say KIDS? =.=;;

I am freaking 'kid-ist' but I just cannot stand why people love having kids so much. Guys, easy for you to say. You bear the pain lah, the 9 months then I can dare say am fine with having kids. I find giving birth and pregnant a torture to all the women on Earth leh...


Then people say until so easy like cooking maggie mee like that... =A=;;

(Ok I have LOADS I want to comment about this topic but I don't know how to voice it out!!!)