Ideal. How would you describe that and how would you get that?? Especially for a junior, the term ideal is pretty frown upon. D:
No experience, no will-power, no ability. Who am I to talk about an 'ideal' job??
A job doing what I like that pays high and have really flexible working hours AND earns $10k monthly. That's what my ideal is and I am sure that I cannot achieve this at all. At least not within these few years. OTL
To think that I will be slave for money forever; or till I retire at age 65 or later. :O
That thought is terrifying enough. Plus the probability of dying of boredom halfway or getting stress over money. Based on experience, you can get up to both. Bored and penniless. Earning less than what you NEED to take. And worst if you HATE your job.
Heck but much sadly, a lot of jobs are like that. Not that the pay is low but the living expenses rose! What was deemed enough to get by will not possibly be enough when the influx happens. Plus, getting on with age, changing jobs will be hard. :/
ANYWAY, why am I thinking so much negatively????