How many times have I want to get out of this so called sanctuary and venture out?? How much I want to have my own say and fuck the advices?? How many times had I wanted to scream at them STFU and ask them not to even care??
They are irritating. Irritating bunch of people. One tends to care and think she knows it all while one tends to just think his way. Seriously what is this? Do you all know me BETTER than ME?? Anything I want to do, please dont try to stop me and PLEASE PLEASE LET ME DO IT. You dont know me well at all! How I want it and how i want to leave alone and without you all nagging.
I believe I AT LEAST have the right to change the things that I want to change in my own room right?? And why do I tell you everything if all you do is just practically nag at my suggestion and then do nothing?? WTF for do I even have the idea of telling you?? I must be crazy. Must be.
Hence I would rather act out and just do it. Why do I have to even tell you my ideas where all you do is just to oppose to it and make me waste my time and then hate you even more in the end?? My blood boils every single time you all act things out of your own will. Yes your own will but is it my will?? Might as well fuck it, I dont need anything if that is ever the case.