The more you anticipate, the more you get disappointed. How long am I not going to learn this lesson?? Must I keep anticipating and fall the harsh way??
This year, a lot changed. In the past, my anticipation won't turn to much disappointment. However, the present, every anticipation turns out to be a true letdown. I would try my best not to hope for too much, to the extent of not to think of it.
I am sure I am someone who get jinxed even by a single thought.
Things are always not in good favour if im looking forward to it. End up, I would look like an idiot alone thinking and planning ahead when I realized that I am not on the same track. The people are gone, I cannot find them, things won't be the same anymore.
What is something that was once a happy, eventful and full of future becoming this dark and jinxed??
I don't want to look forward again. I don't want to give promises anymore. I don't want to think of the fun. What fun will there be?? T___T
When I am so determined, I got rejected by life the very next day. What is there to expect anymore?? More and more anticipations are turning into dust. Crumbling down. You can never have the premonition. Never.
One thing for sure is that, the ending will really be the most saddening ending, really 180 degree different from what you once thought of.