Friday, January 3, 2014

21 birthday

I dont see the need for a 21t birthday celebration. Unless you really depend on yourself and live out. Comon, I MEAN, 21st means freedom to live independently right?

So you celebrate your independence. Ok, legit.

However, the next day, you are still living with your parents and taking allowance from them... ... =_=
I seriously do not see the point in it...

21st should be a solemn event. Just because you will be an adult, and the world doesnt give a shit about your doings anymore.

Whatever charges you commit, you get adult treatment. Like...
You take drugs, you get death sentence, no more youth rehabs anymore.
You have sex with minor, you go to prison (?), no more rehabs.
You go street fight, you go prison disrupting peace and even sentence to caning.
You can just go to the street and marry one stranger without your parents but what's the point?
And it goes on.

So why are people so happy about it?? It means you are not young anymore. In horrible terms, aka 'MY terms', you are looked upon as adult but deep down, you are still feeding off from your parents. Correct? Living under them, eating under them... Is that the freedom and independence that you wanted? :O

Mehhhhh. Hence I dont see a need why 21 is so special. =______=

Seriously, the 21st birthday tradition's meaning is not even the meaning nowadays. Sigh.