Sunday, January 26, 2014


I guessed I am still thinking about how bad is it to traumatize a guy... And then be so stupid enough to feel bad about it. .____. /captainobvious...

Being too direct is the usual me... As I dont like to drag after I had decide on things but I guessed my action was way too much for normal people... Somemore, to really normal person. Errrrr...

At first, if someone approached me saying that I looked like an idol, I would be happy ah. And then be cool and willing to have my pic taken! (Provided that she is not an AV idol, or indecent idol)

Ok, maybe I will be suspicious at first but aiya, no harm at all bah! Its interesting enough. Not everyday you will have people telling you looked like an idol. Hoho, even if thats a lie. (Ahaha)

Yea but back to the point, maybe I was really airhead lah. =.= I thought everyone will be cool about it, then I was freaking wrong. orz...

Please forgive me if i scared u @.@ I meant no harm at all!!!