Saturday, August 16, 2014

Not a memory girl

I am really very tired of opening my mouth to talk to people. I cannot be bothered to explain in detailed what I had said and filter out my thoughts to reply. I am just so tired of talking by mouth. I want telepathy, where i can just look at you and get what I want by just staring at you.

Wouldn't that be good? I do not have to tire myself up to organize and speak to you. Most of you will think that my convosation is random and out of nowhere BUT I can assure you that that was what I wanted to say. (Maybe like days ago kind though =______=)

Most probably I had forgotten when I saw you and days later, I just like "Oh, i rmb-ed something I wanted to tell you!"... ... Slow but... I get some thoughts across, randomly... Sometimes, it just do not link to you all and I am fully aware of that. So sorry guys. Bear with my bad memory and random real thoughts.

I swear all that I ask you all one hor, if it's weird, it means I wanted to tell you like days / weeks ago one. =w= pardon me really...