Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Gen Y issues

Nowadays, what's making the gen Y so full.of themselves is the society itself. The stability they have since young, especially in Singapore. Also partial fault lies in the parents as well. 

Mine are super over protective imo. They will not let me step out to do new things. Even though they hang "freedom to let u do whatever u want" at the tip of their mouth, i dont see how they support that. All that blank saying is easy. No???

Where is the freedom u gave me??? Venturing to learn to drive and react in dangerous situation myself and freedom to go any other country i want. All must think twice. All this considered freedom to do anything i want?

Guessed im very pampered and i hate it... i want to just live alone and handle all myself. Easy, simple, no hassle. Guess i grew up in wrong environment huh...