Sunday, November 22, 2015

Shattered Glass Nails

I had a lot of free time this weekend so I decide to do some nails! Finally! I did my nails. Q.Q I stopped doing it when I was still studying because there was an article that said nail polishes will damage part of your brain cells; in another words, it means I will get stupid if I have polishes on my nails.

So exams ended now and YES I CAN AFFORD TO BE STUPID HAHAHA. So here it comes~ Shattered glass nails!

This had been trending recently and it seems easy to do and really interesting so I was thinking why not? Warming up myself for more intricate designs!

Bought the cellophane paper from taobao and it is really cheap and good. The gloss and sheen is there and I just had new ideas for this design! I will mix up different tones and make it like mosaic glass!! haha!