Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Real drastic change

I had been taking a break from work and I am now on my 12th day doing nothing. God how did I survive the 12 days?? 1 day seemed like 72hours for me. It's quite a dread. I am just waiting for the sun to go down so I can sleep every night.

So far my daily routine is to "find new things to do plus a new job". So bored at home.

I am really a workaholic. I don't complain when there's too much work. I complain when I am bored. I complain when I have more than an hour of free time at home. Then at times, I complain why am I not spending more time at home. Sigh. Why am I so hard to impress??

It is so hard to moderate. My schedules all come in one chuck. When I am busy, I am really busy for the whole month; be it work, meetings, shopping, classes etc but when I am free, I AM REALLY FREE. Now is a very good example. Also whenever I am free, my friends are not and when I am not free, my friends are... Sigh why why why.

Please let me have be busy bee soon. I am getting more unproductive every minute. I am serious.