1. Fall in love.
2. Get her heart broken.
3. Find a gyno that doesn’t make her feel like a seventh-grader in sex ed.
4. Take a solo vacation.
5. Skinny-dip.
7. Cook Thanksgiving dinner.
8. Perform karaoke.
9. Read Jane Austen.
10. Own a dress she feels stunning in.
15. Have an orgasm.
16. Operate a power drill.
18. Ride a motorcycle (yes, on the back, going six miles an hour counts).
20. Make a presentation in front of 20 people or more.
21. Tell off a stranger.
22. Apologize to a stranger.
23. Accidentally send an email to the wrong person and then realize that life goes on.
24. Learn how to knit.
25. Forget how to knit.
26. Decide she’s comfortable with her crafting skills, whatever they may be.
27. Host a dinner party.
28. Know how to order a bottle of wine.
29. Do something big and selfless for the planet or the people living on it.
30. Vote for a winning president.
31. Play the lottery.
32. Negotiate a raise.
33. Start a 401(k).
A 401(k) is a retirement savings plan sponsored by an employer. It lets workers save and invest a piece of their paycheck before taxes are taken out. Taxes aren't paid until the money is withdrawn from the account. Simi is this in Singapore context sia??!
34. Tell her mother/grandmother/favorite lady mentor just how influential she’s been.
35. Help a friend through a difficult time.
36. Accept a friend’s help during a difficult time.
37. Figure out how to make a house a home.
38. Grow something green.
39. Salvage something broken.
40. Dance like no one’s watching (bonus points if it’s the moonwalk).
Clearly, I have a lot to learn.