Showing posts with label Japan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Japan. Show all posts

Monday, August 11, 2014

How I started my obsessions (2)


This probably started wayyyy back when I was 3 years old, when there was Ultraman shown on Channel 5.

Japan Heros.

I was a huge fan of Ultraman, Power Rangers and some random masked hero series. I would always wake up early in the morning (8am??) just to catch the series on TV. And back then, we had those boxy TVs and the remote control was always missing. I will always end up sitting right in front of the TV with the sound mute cos I was watching it without m parent's permission. =____=


And it stopped airing and I switched to Doraemon (K1 probably). So the blue raccoon runs my life pretty much. Like I would love a door to anywhere and a flying helicopter blade thingy.

And somehow, I have quite a few Japanese dolls and toys which was bought for me. (That time Japan was still a TREND before the Korean wave) But sadly I wasn't much a prodigy to know how to speak in Japanese despite the few Japanese influence. :/

So 6 years old, Pokemon came into my life in English dub. =w= I once thought it was english because their names are not Jappy wtf. Yeah, I love Pokemon.


And P1, on some random assembly period, the school actually invited Geishas for an assembly talk! From there, I grew to love the pretty kimonos they wear and the Kyoto culture. (I forgotten like 90% of what they presented. Wasted :/)


Primary 2/3, where I started on this anime screened on Channel 8 9am LOL. Its about a girl singing and she's a student but she transformed to an adult singer with the help of 2 cats... I watched to the end and was amazed by the art hahaha and that song.

Somewhere last year, I decided to painstakingly find back the anime and YES. Creamy Mami, the magic angel was the title! Childhood revived! It was until last year, I discovered at my aunt's house that the coloring book that I colored when I was young was actually Creamy Mami's coloring book!!!!! Omg omg how come that did not link to my brain wtf???

And Primary 4/5/6. Mirmo Zibang. Or was it a secondary school craze? Oh well im not too sure. /shots

Then Momoko Chan manga!!! I read every word and my chinese improved dramatically. Also I read mangas from my Aunt's house. Word by word and got addicted to romance manga. (Good hobby I guess) (so long it can be another obsession)

So hiatus till Sec 1. A random chance upon Nanoha on Channel U changed everything. I got hooked to Nanoha series and I even memorized the OP and ED songs. (Thats why I am such a pro in Innocent Starters and Eternal Balze) First time I even tried to watch an episode online. I watched everything. Including Triangle Hearts.

Proceeded by Spirited Away. Thus how 'spirited64' came by... GHIBLI CRAZE. So I mass bought the DVDs... (Not knowing to preserve them, I ended up misplacing them /cries)

Learning language.

I got motivated to learn Japanese. Hence Secondary 3, I started to learn Japanese professionally by taking a Japanese class. I even borrowed books and memorized simple Japanese greetings from animes.

Then I listened to only Japanese songs, watch Japanese dramas, movies. I even bought the CDs omg. I had a really mini collection of dramas, movies and ulu ulu singer CDs... (japanese oldies from my dad's gen ptttf)

And poly, I probably watch a substantial amount of anime and read almost 50% of the one-shots online that time that I am an otaku. Sometimes I got partial chunibyou??? =w=b

Then I join Japanese Tsubasa Club, learnt more on Japanese culture! Stepped into the world of Japanese culture. JAS, JCC, Waseda High School (where it was once a place where I never thought I could step into OTL). Bon Odori, Chado, Yukata wearing, Natsu Matsuri!

Even to Japan! The first foreign country without my parents. The shiok 9 days where I fully utilized my Japanese and the fuwa fuwa feel is still there.

More infos on the Jap culture can be found here. (bits and pieces of my daily entry)

I am continuing my obsession on Japan even though it is the Korean wave now. :/ Language! JLPT here I come!!