Showing posts with label cosplay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cosplay. Show all posts

Monday, July 9, 2012

Persona 4 for Cosfest XI







Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Cosplay updates!!

Explains why I have been so busy over this few days. >.<

Slowly sticking on wool strings onto my blouse for cosplaying purposes.

I am now officially madly in 'love' with uhu glue. Using it like how a carpenter does.

This freaking diamond shape pattern is freaking sticked on piece by piece by me. 2 front and 2 back and 2 sleeves.

Tedious job uh.

So explaining the lack of updates. I don't even have time to care about other stuffs. My laptop can last for freaking 2 days without charging. SMART laptop, knowing that I don't have enough power sockets for it. :B

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Cosplay makeup test!

First timeSecond time in my life I tried on a full makeup. /@.@/

First time was when Mirai help me with my makeup... And I look pale like a sick girl. D: Too girly le.

And the second time, was for my cosplay makeup!! ^^ I turn out FINE. Just that I AM SO FREAKING FAT AND MY FACE IS HUGE. D:

Reference pic:

And my pic:

HOW IS IT?? After heavy photoshopping... Scary isn't it?? My face was not that slim in the first place. D: And my face shape is oblong and my mouth is HUGE, my nose is HUGE and my jaw is HUGE too. My whole face is HUGE lah. D:

Ok, blusher redder a bit. x.x

Ok, from now on, I must reference The Secret and say 'I will have small face.' x 10 EVERYDAY and really I will have! (PRAYS FOR MIRACLE!!) m(;__;)m

Friday, June 22, 2012

Amagi Yukiko

Cosplay check.

Skirt done. Just need to hope that I will slim down more from now so that the skirt will not be too tigh :X omfg

Blouse done. Need the details and the school logo.

Tights, done.

Shoes... Yes... I need the shoes!!!! D: Loafers are so expensive and I am going broke soon...

$65 + $20 + $9 = $94

$94... $94 spent so far... Excluding shoes and school logo embroidery which cost another $25... And also the patterns on the blouse. :x

T___T Not even sure if during cosfest will there even be people taking pictures of me or not. ;___; If no I will just OTL and CRY. ;___;

So whoever is reading, COME SUPPORT ME AT COSFEST!! m(>.<)m