Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Monday, June 27, 2016

Phase 2 - Adult Life. Doing it right?

I think I have to officially start this post to constantly remind myself that I am an adult now and it is okay to take a break and breathe and rest.

To the most extreme, my life now is so quiet and stagnant nowadays. Gone were the busy days.

Going out on weekday nights are no longer all shopping and extravagant bars with new friends but small talks with close friends nearby instead.

Going out on weekends are no longer events and packed agenda with the intention to socialise but just strolling down the streets with one or two buddies or sometimes alone.

Weekends morning will just be morning jogs and workouts. Some plans in the afternoon with a small bunch of peeps. If not, house chores or a visit to my grandparents' place, I love them a lot, they are my happy pill.

Weekdays would be work and sometimes simple dinner with one friend or two, chilling after work. However most of the time I will be working over time in the office and heading home straight zombified and having light dinner before it hits 9. Work, eat, sleep and repeat.

Communication also much less of a chore now with only the few familar group chat/ friend chat buzzing; on somedays none but it is alright. Gone were the days of chats popping out consecutively 24/7 from all the 101 people I know.

Topics include the future, job searching, job woes, relationship woes, fangirling moments, girl problems, travel etc... Not about what style to follow, most happening event, random "i friend u and dun friend her" gossip topics. We take turns supporting and giving our advices; cos we grew to be mature and prove to be capable of handling all these.

School will be starting soon and I will have 3 evenings filled till 10pm at the least. Good time filler this.

Is this what adult life is like? The sudden drop in social life and connections. As much as I am not used to it (even though I am already 3 years in working life), I am slowly enjoying it somehow. I still need to drill this inactivity life into my mind somehow. I am not in ease doing nothing.

Sometimes I am confused. Is it normal to be like this? I do see some of my acquaintance leading a fun filled vibrant life while my lifestyle dropped drastically.

Phase 2 of my life. Still transiting. 今始まりますよ.