Monday, January 30, 2012

My way

Why are things not going my way? :O

Instead things are going another way. Like literally the opposite way. OTL

Is my way of thinking that difficult? My brain that hard to understand?? I just can't get it. *shrugs* Well, I can't get other people's brain too. They tend to go one big big round just to get me to understand things. And in the end having not enough time to tell me about it. =.=

Guys will just be guys. WHY SO LONG WINDED? Or rather do I look like I will not understand what you are saying?? D:

I'm just so surprised that a lot of people who don't know me well thinks that I am *cough* smart *cough*. In the end, I just get what they are saying but no idea why. =.= And yea, misunderstandings happen and tada~

And yea, today, someone compliment that I am so fun. LOL. I'm just feeling high after my test and thats all. Prolly won't be seeing they all often I guess? :D Well, that might be good so like that they will know I am fun and more funny. LOL