I just realized, throughout the 19 years of my life, I had encounter a lot of type of people. Some are good while some are bad while some are just normal. So recently, more new people are discovered by me! So I'll just state them down cos I find it kinda interesting. ^^
For girls:
1. Girls who are forever self-denial.
They find themselves forever correct and people are forever wrong. Very interesting, I don't get how can people not be wrong. Really interesting. I can't understand why I keep meeting these type of girls. OTL
2. Girls who can't let pride down for friendship.
They still care about pride and face. They just don't care if they lose a friend. She shall eventually be a Miss Forever Alone I guess... Maybe they just don't know the importance of 'friends'.
3. Girls who mood-swing all the time.
Acts like a volcano. Haha. Trigger her and she will explode!! (When I mean explode, I mean really)
4. Girls who likes hugs.
Like me! I love hugs~ :D Hugging is the best medicine for me.
For guys:
1. Guys who are gentlemanly.
The type who are gentlemen. A man, worrying when ladies/girls go home late at night, guys who hate girls to go home too late just because they worry for their safety. Ok, I swear this is the first time a guy say that to me. LOL. Idk if he was trying to shoo me off or what but anyway, gentlemen guys.
2. Insensitive guys
Guys who need tons of hints to get one point across. =w=
3. Troll guys
TMD I swear I met a lot of them since last year. And they all seriously are just making lame jokes. =w= serious. Too lazy to care about them anyway.
4. Shy guys
Quite a few, although not shy around me anymore but if you compare last time and now, you can feel the difference. Obviously!
So tada~ My list about people. :D So its getting late and my brain is currently unproductive so good night! :D