Thursday, March 8, 2012


My 701st post. \0/

Never thought that I will reach 700 posts. Never even thought that I will be blogging at this blog ever since July 2009. 4 years and ongoing. ^^;; And plus the posts from my old blogs. (Way too many to track them down >.> /shots)

And so, sharing some piece of really depressing news first, which is, I just got rejected for some job interview. Not even interview... I wasn't even short listed. /shots
O well... I was quite excited about that job so I was kinda looking forward to it?? And in the end I wasn't short listed. D: Sad but owell... Shall go emo and watch emo movie with friend...

And guys, choose movies to watch wisely. If you plan to have your next day happy and fine, please plan some happy movies. Not emo movies like I did... And now I literally emo inside the cinema. >.> /shots

Ok, so moving on to the happier news... I finally figured out what I really want. Finally! After so many weeks of thinking and stress... I finally know what I want. And yes, no regrets, just say it and go along with the flow. Please congratulate me on making my decision. ^^;; Actually that was the decision I have a month ago but the answer got held by some worries and stuffs. Now that I know everything (well, the crucial ones), I'm more certain that my answer is the correct one. So well. Shall say out to you all next week. XD