Thursday, May 16, 2013

Late-night Nonsense Thought

I really pissed people off throughly... That's one thing I need to change. I need to be least annoying and not make people pissed at me. Now when I need a reply, no one freaking replies zzz.

Well, I gotta be more exclusive on my daily life abit. (I kinda shouted all my thoughts out on my one and only facebook and ranting channel aka twitter.)

Need to have more privacy about my life. OK. NEED. MUST BE.

And just try not to make people angry. Sometimes, it's just not that I like to disturb people, it's just I am bored. I want to do something if not I will probably die from bottling up to much boredom inside my heart.

Nowhere to express my feelings, I can really bottled up and just suffocate. /cough

Heh though I admit that I pester people too much. x.x

To the extent that IF I am in their shoes, I would hell not even read/reply. =.=

Discreet. Watch my language and emotions.

And I confirm going to take years or a life-time to drive like a pro.

I really suck at driving. T___T