Sunday, September 22, 2013


When was the last time since I laughed like a crazy unglam women who shouted/talk damn loudly while laughing???

Might be like months ago??

Today we had this reunion because of our classmate's wedding and I finally laughed out loud!! Like some crazy mad women. Can't believed that we spent around 4 hours laughing and talking non stop about anything. Just anything. ;___; Miss the times when we are at dot. :|

I love love love them very much!! I want to laugh at them everyday like how it used to be. D:

Like telepathy really, we just need to glance at each other and just laugh out loud. Might throw the faces of all chinese out there but just worth it today. With them, I can just be unglam and dont care!! I guess I am at the comfort zone?? Like just with them, life is much more enjoyable and cute. :3

Of course others too but I go super duper craziest with them around!! Aww man. We NEED to do this often!