Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Forever alone 1993

That title. This year, everything is really down since the middle of the year. I am getting busier working and falling sick, I do not have the free time I used to have last year. And not to mention everyone is busy too!

So my social life just escalate down into the pit hole. I still keep in touch with my peers and go out. However, not on a daily of weekly basis. Maybe just once monthly or once a few months. D: Everyone is just busy with either work, school or NS.

Everyday spent my time working, 9-6.30pm. And get rest on weekdays. I really mean it when I say rest. I do not feel like going out at all. I just want to spend some quality time alone, packing my room or just to read some mag/books. I had enough of the busy life I once had. @.@

Sure my life is really toned down now. Less heading out, less shopping with friends, less meeting up with peers. I miss them a lot but I need to think of my energy as well. I cannot afford to go out every once and then after work. I will tire myself up the next day. T___T

So I rather be just alone first... :/ Let me get use to the foreveralone feeling. Just because I cannot afford to go out every weekend like in the past. orz. I get tired easily. OTL. It would be better if I am alone?? Get use to being alone like all working adults are??