Sunday, October 20, 2013

Kampung peeps

It was fun being kampung kids in town for the past 2 days. First was to Raffles Hotel and it was a significant experience for all of us. I didn't know that Raffles Hotel is actually not really a hotel with atas reception. (At least not from what I had seen)

It has this retro feel and I like it. It also has KIZUKI+LIM saloon. Omggggg. So this is where it isssss. And I was laughing so crazily in front of a Japanese hair dresser. =.=

We basically woah-ed at everything. Like how the lift is like, how we wanted to find the stairs to go up before we saw a lift, and just walking to the entrance itself. Gosh, the laughter and experience we had was new. Never experience that at all before. (The lift to 2nd floor took ages. Maybe they have thick floors. MAYBE)

Then today was to Kaplan open house and a session to watch drama and paint nails. Guess where we ventured??

Nanyang Poly. We decided to go there to slack and paint nails. However, we did not manage to do that in NYP. We freaking spent 30 mins trying to just walk to NYP's main entrance from AMK station -> NYP's back gate -> Main entrance. And to find out that there were no souls in NYP. And no benches or table.

Also to realize that the security forces were strong too. Everywhere we went were filled with guards. Pus it was soul-less, we were so paranoid inside the campus as the sky sets... So we spent an hour plus at NYP, searching for places to sit for drama. No avail though but the walks we had, I felt super healthy all of a sudden. How long was it since I walked that much??


In the end we went to Jess's house's playground and watch our longly awaited drama - The Heirs. Had so much fun fangirling while we sit at the playground. So awesome. If I could just stay over at Jess's house for the night. Ahhh that would be great!!

On the other hand, I was really troubled by what I should pursue. I really have no idea what exactly I wanted to work as. Maybe I vaguely had some in mind but I do not know exactly what was that... Hmm, that shall be my next post!