Thursday, December 26, 2013


Am I high or low maintenance? Hmm... A few once commented that I am hard to impress and picky. I think somehow I am... Anyways, its being picky to the materialistic stuffs. That is pretty much reasonable in my opinion. :/ So I dont understand why they keep harping on that for some time. =w=

I personally think I am very very very easy to maintain! You just give me money, food, sleep and freedom and I am good to live. And probably not bothered to ask for more. As long I have nice food, enough money and enough rest plus freedom to live my life, I would be satisfied!

Its not hard right?? But Idk why is that being labeled as high-maintainence being. It should be you all not enjoying life I think. :O

Ughh just thinking that I need to work tmr and possibly a busy, hectic day with possible OTs... Such disappointment... And the day is ending!! Its evening omg... Please please. ;____;

And I have my 2014 resolution to think of too!!