Friday, August 1, 2014

Run run run

Now where do I run to? Currently NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training).

Wahhh if I like Takeru Satou in "Kanojo wa uso wo aishigiteiru", I rich sia. *dreamy eyes* Yah, continue dreaming lah.

No talent but a lot of passion, in fact too much to focus on one particular field. Jialat. Flicker-minded.

Ok, life is not too harsh on me but I would expect my future to be more relaxed. Like being rich and retire at age 30, owning big house with 2 dogs plus a purple SUV and to travel the world. WOOTZ. Why realizing that can be sooooo hard? /lesigh

What must I do to even reach that 1%??? /leponders
Will I even be able to reap that if I retire officially?? =______= /ledoubt

Confirm plus chop cannot one lah. /leCRIES. I'm NEET-ing now. What can NEET-ing accomplish?? Garrrgh.

Ahh I think i better off marry a rich and cute guy and then divorce with nice huge sum of settlement money. Shiok sia. *someone please slap me can D:*

Walao eh. Ahahahah. So where is my next destination? 8D Throw me some surprise yo!