I am enjoying my freedom now woohoo! However the plan to stay at home for one whole day totally back fired. From last week till now, I had not had a full day at home yet. D: I want to hikki at home. Everyday I am always going out~ Wheeeeee. Not say I hate it but I would love to stay at home and watch the outside world burn under the heat. Missed my office's air-con too!
So far my everyday was super productive - spending money and dry coughing. lol
So latest update. I had no news for my job, I had spent over $100 this week and I bought a 9cm wedge. Continuing this for another week.
And another.
And forever?
I missed my year 1 days where I am at my slimmest moment. I know I cannot turn back time and I cannot slim down to that liao. /cries. ALL MY FATS KEEP GROWING BUT NOT SHRINKING. T____T