Sunday, December 14, 2014


Happy mid-December guys.
So many happenings for this month.

(#1) Is Christmas the season of love? Why are all my friend getting attached one by one???!

(#2) Almost can say goodbye to my car thanks to me being a lousy like shit driver who don't even know the sense of balance and happen to drive in a heavy rain which you cannot see the road at all. Thanks to dad who was sitting beside me and steer the wheel in time to avoid collision with the truck... ... ... i think there is no hope for me to drive alone liao.

(#3) Had spent $350 for own purposes. I know Christmas is the season of gifting so who will be giving me money????! I am eyeing on the limited edition mickey silver jewellery set FML.

(#4) My palm reads that I have guy troubles during my younger days. Yah lor. How can this thing be so bloody scarily accurate? =_____=  prolly i look beyond 21, my colleague was asking me if i really do now. Yeah fml im still 21 and this will last till like 30yo. 9 more years. Ok can. I wonder how shitty can it get. I hate all this things omg. Why me???? Just why???? Avoid also cannot avoid. Shoo shoo!

(#5) Mum thinks i am attached. That is plain absurd but whatever. I don't even want to hang around with people these days.

(#6) First Dinner & Dance plus company BBQ.

Only 14 days of December and so many happenings. Drain my energy only. 17 more days gonna get more tiring than now. OTL