Sunday, November 23, 2014


At times, I wish that my parents would force me to take up instruments or art activities like learning piano, violin, ballet or art when i was young. I wonder what will actually happen when i learn that. be an awesome violinist? Pianist? Artist? Dancer?

Well, my mum did enrol me to learn art because I asked her to but i quit during the 2 lesson... I wished that she force me to stay on instead of letting me quit... I dont blame her though. It is really my fault for quitting in the first place. I blame no one for the current state i am in.

It has been years since I last drawn and used my brain properly. /0\ Talk about all the ideas... I am becoming boring and like shit. =_________=

I can totally start piano or violin or even ballet at my age now. I am just not motivated to. MEH. I am just full of excuses and rotting my colourful life away lah.