My exams are from 9 Nov and here am I, barely knowing 95% of my study units! Even though it is an open book test, I still have to say I will fail with flying colors.
Firstly, even at home, doing the weekly quizzes, I could never get full marks. NEVER. So what makes me think that I can score well in an open book test where the subject that I am taking are not even theoritical. /rolls eyes.
Secondly, failute rate is at 20%... That will be me. My name is for sure destined inside. /bawl my eyes out. For all the simple quizzes, I still can fail. Plus I take so long to complete it. Die already lah. My exam answers will either be all wrong but all done or some correct but not done. Can you believe I took 2hours just for 4 questions just now??! Not guaranteed correct answers some more!!
Now I have a new blogging playform called Dayre which I update frequently. In the past it just use to be a platform to vent my frustrations and stuffs but now, it is more open to publics and mutual friends so hmm... I guess I better be more exclusive. If not I machiam transparent one. All my thoughts listed out and be subjected to judgement. Social Media is very very scary... Did I mentioned that I actually have colleagues using Darye as well?? And some mutual friends innocently inside Darye as well??!
Creepy shit. I hope I am not not not inside anyone's Dayre without me knowing. Or anywhere online. /0/ But I should be quite safe lah. 美人なくて,お金もなくて,安全ね?