Suddenly this dawned upon me; girls, the term "guy best friend" does not exist at all. It don't exist even for a single teeny second. "Guy friend", yes that exist but best friend... Nope. /0\
I used to think that a guy friend who genuine want to be your best friend exists but only recently I was proven not by this guy who was once my "best" friend. He declared that he was my "bff" but he said that just so to win my heart. Whuttttt. So you see, now he found new love, he is not my "bff" anymore and he broke his friendship with me this very week.
Of course I was dumbfounded. What on Earth just happened??? Bro you said you my best friend forever then doesn't that mean you have no feelings for me. =________= Then you self suffer going through this one-sided love for a couple of years. Can I say you brainless? Then you don't friend me now lah.
Sorry but I think you bought yourself to this fate. :/ You could had just fess upfront and suffer lesser correct. Why make me the bad guy here. =______=