Thursday, May 26, 2016

Goals and future

What do I want to be when I grow up? Ever one pondered? Did anyone get their answer? Did anyone live comfortably pursuing their dreams?

I feel so lost. Once I went for an interview and it was a casual and light setting which starts with "What is my dream", "What are my goals". I went blank and I thought for quite a looooooong while. What exactly are my dreams?

Wait. DO I HAVE ANY DREAMS?? Aside from living a comfortable live with money dropping from the sky. Hahaha.

My dream is to be successful; in all aspect. In monetary terms, career, life, relationships. If I do a self-check now, I am barely 10% there.

My goals? Be rich lah obviously.

Nah in the end I managed to churn out something which sounds similarly successful and goal-like, to grow towards creative marketing , analyzing and mastering front end codings and development, how does that sounds?? :D

Work hard, work smart for it.